
We offer full bookkeeping services for small and mid-size businesses. This includes monthly financial statements to help you manage your business and give you the data you need to help you make the right decisions. We will provide you with fiscal or calendar year end summary documentation and reports, presented in a bound and indexed format, along with electronic copy.

In order to serve you better we offer free document pickup and drop off, as well as both off site and remote access bookkeeping.

Off Site Bookkeeping: This option appeals to a variety of businesses since there is much greater flexibility and cost savings. We arrange to pick up and drop off your documents, or they can be scanned, faxed, emailed or couriered. All work is done in our office with our software and licenses. This option saves companies the cost of software maintenance, additional computer equipment and office furniture, employee liabilities, etc. There is no geographical limitation with this option – we service companies across Canada.

Remote Access Bookkeeping: This option allows us to log right into your company file and work in real time in your accounting software. This is convenient for retail operations that require access to their software and company data files daily.

Want to learn more about what we can offer you and your business? Contact us today.